We Promote Gender Equity Around the World
In 2020, 54% of our 5,300 key positions were held by women.
We aim to achieve gender equality at all levels and in every function of the business, foster more inclusive environments around the world, reject all forms of harassment and violence: we proactively and steadfastly uphold these commitments at every level of the Group. And we are extending our commitment by taking part in local and international initiatives to promote this vision of equity.
At end 2020, women represented:
of L’Oréal’s total workforce
of the members of the Board of Directors
of the members of the Executive Committee
(vs. 7% in 2007 and 21% in 2010)
of positions of greater responsibility within the Group* (vs. 37% in 2013)
of international brand directors

Analyze and promote pay equity
In 2020, L’Oréal introduced a new tool based on the EDGE Unexplained Gender Pay Gap methodology to calculate and measure gender pay equity. In 2021, 28 countries, covering about 84% of our workforce, are taking part in the assessment, which will be extended in 2022 to all the countries where we operate. The goal is to narrow any gaps.
We also guarantee equal classification and equal pay for equal skills. In France, for example, the median pay gap across all staff categories was 10% in 2007 but has been zero since 2019.
Promote international mobility
In 2011, we joined the International Dual Career Network (IDCN) program, which comprises a network of more than 70 companies in around 15 countries that promote local employment for the partners of expatriate workers.

Support parents
Employees taking parental or adoption leave continue to receive full pay. We also ensure that when they come back, they can return to their position and benefit from wage increases.
Support women’s empowerment
Our commitment to women goes beyond equal pay. We encourage access to training and entrepreneurship opportunities. We support self-expression and personal development. Learn about how we support women’s empowerment.
Include LGBTQIA+ communities
We participate in creating more inclusive environments that support the LGBTQIA+ community and we fight all forms of discrimination.